Dicranophorus forcipatus, swimming, dorsoventral view. A species with small red or black eyespots (arrows) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, lateral view, grazing on a Spirogyra-alga. (2) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, the arrowheads mark (part of) the retrocerebral organ (RCO). (2) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus; in some specimens/ populations the RCO is very pronounced. (5) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, the arrowhead marks one of the lateral antennas. (2) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, crop of the above image. (2) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, flame cell (part of nephridial system) near brain. (2) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, specimen from (3) |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, upper images: forcipate trophi from specimen from (3).The arrowheads in the right image mark a epipharyngeal structure. Lower image: forcipate trophi from specimen from (4). In contrast to D. edestes the shearing teeth of the inner margins of rami are slightly decreasing in size. |
Dicranophorus forcipatus, two images of the head, ventral view. Upper image: focal plane on the cilia and rostrum; lower image: focal plane on the mouth opening (arrow) (6) |
Samples Nr. (5) courtesy of W. Bettighofer, www.protisten.de |

Location: nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; Mummertgraben (6) |
Habitat: betweeen submerged plants (6) |
Date: 07.05.2024 (6) |
Location: Stefansbachtal Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer,pond (1); Sprockhövel Schee, NRW, Germany, pond (2) Crummbach, Simplon-Pass, altitude 2000m (3); Wertach b. Augsburg, BY, Germany (4); aquarium (5) |
Habitat: Plankton/ between plants Iris / Sparganium (1); between algae and plants (2); lotic water between Fontinalis-moss (3); submersed moss (4); between the leafs of Taxiphyllum barbieri (5) |
Datum: 04.09.2006 (1); 15.05.2008 (2) 27.05.2021 (2); coll.: 09.10.2021, img.: 21.10.2021 (2);; 11.06.2022 (4); 14.05.2023 (5) |